Gemini Nutrition Pvt. Ltd. is a Mumbai-based nutraceutical company in the business of manufacture and supply of customized nutritional supplements in India. Formed by group of doctors, our expertise lies in our ability to conceptualize whey protein isolate-based supplements which cater to specific needs of individuals/patients.
Our innovative range of nutritional products are a result of extensive research in right choice and proportion of ingredients, product design and different layers of production to deliver the purity that we promise. Our nutritional supplements come with essential mix of multivitamins, minerals and special ingredients in a perfect blend of taste made available through imported flavors.
Nutrition, although an age-old science, has unfortunately been neglected in the paradigm of healthcare. Our team of doctors realized it on conducting research on the available nutritional supplements and stumbled upon several loopholes in the preparations presently available. These ranged from use of large amounts of skimmed milk powder, sugars, inadequate protein, wrong protein source, etc.
Our mission is to offer affordable, high-quality nutrition to all individuals and patients designed to meet specific health needs through meaningful differentiation and innovation and by continually improving the taste, convenience and nutritional quality of our products.
Innovation has been at the heart of our company since its inception. Behind every Gemini Nutrition product, there is a team of product scientists, nutritionists, designers, regulatory specialists and representatives dedicated to earn our consumers’ trust with safe products of the highest quality. Our science-driven mix of pure protein, essential vitamins & minerals, dietary fiber and other nourishing ingredients exhibit an attractive product portfolio in growing categories of patients forming the backbone of our company’s vision to be the most trusted partner of our consumers in the world of nutrition.
Humans need a wide range of nutrients to lead a healthy and active life. For providing these nutrients, good nutrition or proper intake of food in relation to the body’s dietary needs is required. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity.
Many hospitalized patients do have elevated nutrient needs. Depending on the medical condition of the patient, nutrient requirements can be extremely high to encourage wound healing, improve nutritional status, and support recovery from illness or surgery. Meeting nutritional needs is a challenge for any patient.
NATALCARE+ is scientifically designed keeping in mind nutritional requirements of expecting mothers & lactating mothers. Pregnancy is physiologically and nutritionally a highly demanding period. Also, a lactating mother requires extra nutrition to secrete adequate quantity/ quality of milk and to safeguard her own health.
Many patients with cancer do not meet the recommended intake (1.2–1.5 g/kg/day), and not even the one for healthy individuals (0.8 g/kg/day). It is estimated that 40 to 80% of all cancer patients will be malnourished during the course of the disease.